The Newsletter & Website Team

Biology PhD students interested in gaining science writing experience and learning the tools of scientific communication can apply to join the Newsletter & Website Team. You will have the opportunity to work on a team of your peers to write for the departmental newsletter, as well as writing news items for the department's website. Your work will highlight exciting new research, awards granted to students, postdocs, and PIs, as well as faculty and student initiatives.

Applicants must have completed Writing for the Biological Sciences (GR6300) to fill the position of Staff Writer. This position entails a minimum 2-year appointment, writing 1-3 articles per semester, and compensation of $500 per semester.

The call for applications goes out at the end of the Spring semester. Because Staff Writers produce public-facing pieces on deadline, students are chosen based on interest as well as a track record of reliability and excellent writing skills.



If you are a member of the department and would like to pitch a news item for the website and/or newsletter, you can do so via this form



Brittany Bistis

Elisabeth Bradford

Julie Dobkin

Lena Kogan

Max Rice