Cell, Developmental, and Stem Cell Biology focuses on the study of cells, their development, and the processes involved in the differentiation of cells into specialized cell types. It also encompasses the investigation of stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation into various cell lineages.
Research Groups
Abdus-Saboor Lab
Genes and neural circuits for pain and touch behavior
Barnhart Lab
Cell biology of the neuron
Chalfie Lab
Developmental genetics of identified nerve cells in C. elegans
Dietrich Lab
Bacterial models for biological shape and pattern formation
Duvall Lab
Regulation of innate behavior in blood-feeding arthropods
Gaublomme Lab
Create and apply multi-omic technologies to study biomolecular and cellular interactions during development, physiology and pathology
Greenwald Lab
Cell-cell interactions, signal transduction, and cell fate specification in C. elegans
Hazelrigg Lab
Germ cell development in Drosophila
Hobert Lab
Germ Cell Development in Drosophila
Jia Lab
Epigenetic regulation of the genome
Jovanovic Lab
Regulation of protein production dynamics: RNA binding proteins and the ribosome code
Kalderon Lab
Signal transduction in Drosophila development
Landweber Lab
RNA-mediated epigenetics and genome reorganization during development
Manley Lab
Regulation of mRNA synthesis in animal cells
Prives Lab
Structure & function of the p53 tumor suppressor protein
Prywes Lab
Growth factor regulation of gene expression
Stockwell Lab
Diagramming disease networks with chemical and biological tools
Tomer Lab
Develop and apply molecular, optical and data analytic methods for multi-scale understanding of complex biological systems
Tosches Lab
Evolution of cell types and circuits in the vertebrate brain