The research groups working in the area of cancer and disease biology and studying how fundamental biological processes go awry during disease mechanisms, including numerous cancers. These insights can lead to new biomarkers and diagnostic tests for early and more accurate testing of diseases, subdivision of disease states into more relevant classes, and discovery of new therapeutic approaches to disease. In some cases, the study of disease processes can result in discovery of new fundamental biology. The faculty members in this research area work on a variety of model systems using diverse technologies and collaborate with other groups, centers, and institutes across the University.
Research Groups
Manley Lab
Regulation of mRNA synthesis in animal cells
Prives lab
Structure & function of the p53 tumor suppressor protein
Prywes lab
Growth factor regulation of gene expression
Stockwell lab
Diagramming disease networks with chemical and biological tools
Tavaré lab
Computational cancer genomics, including statistical and stochastic methods for understanding tumor heterogeneity and cancer evolution