Genome Organization, Maintenance and Expression

Our primary goal is to investigate biological questions at a systems-level using a range of experimental models, from bacteria to mammalian cell-lines. We develop and apply advanced technologies to study biomolecular interactions driving intra- and intercellular signaling and organization, focusing particularly on multi-omic interrogation of single-cell states in situ. Another important focus is on studying novel genetic systems in microbial eukaryotes, where we aim to understand genome evolution and diversity using mechanistic and comparative approaches. In addition, we use systems approaches to gain insights into the mechanisms that control gene expression and how they impact differentiation, stress response, and pathogenesis. Overall, our aim is to uncover fundamental principles and mechanisms that govern biological systems, using cutting-edge technologies and computational methods.

Research Groups

Andolfatto Lab

The evolutionary processes shaping genome evolution and the genetic mechanisms underlying adaptations and species-specific traits

Bussemaker Lab

Data-driven predictive modeling of gene regulatory networks

Duvall Lab

Regulation of innate behavior in blood-feeding arthropods

Gaublomme Lab

Create and apply multi-omic technologies to study biomolecular and cellular interactions during development, physiology and pathology

Jia Lab

Epigenetic regulation of the genome

Jovanovic Lab

Regulation of protein production dynamics: RNA binding proteins and the ribosome code

Landweber Lab

RNA-mediated epigenetics and genome reorganization during development

Manley Lab

Regulation of mRNA synthesis in animal cells

Prives Lab

Structure & function of the p53 tumor suppressor protein

Prywes Lab

Growth factor regulation of gene expression

Przeworski Lab

Population and human genetics

Visualization of neurons in embryos with multicolor membrane-bound receptors

Affiliated Faculty