
Spring 2023


, 2 pts, UN3995


Prerequisites: Introductory Biology or equivalent. Topics in Biology: Radiographic Anatomy and Select Pathology (Section 007 Fall semester) , Radiographic Anatomy and Selective Pathology is a survey course intended for undergraduate students. This course is not limited to science majors and would be of value to any student that may have an interest in studying the anatomy of the human body. The course is a systematic approach to the study of the human body utilizing medical imaging. We will be studying neuro-anatomy, anatomy of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Vascular and musculoskeletal imaging will be addressed as well. Modalities will include CT, MRI, PET/CT, and Ultrasound. Cross sectional imaging will be supplemented with pathology demonstrated on appropriate cross sectional imaging. The class size will be limited to 15 students. The lecture will be offered Wednesday evenings from 6:10-7:00 pm. This will be a 1 credit course offered only during the fall semesters. Topics in Biology: Crossroads in Bioethics (Section 001 Spring semester) , This two credit multidisciplinary and interactive course will focus on contemporary issues in bioethics and medical ethics. Each topic will cover both the underlying science of new biotechnologies and the subsequent bioethical issues that emerge from these technologies. Each topic will introduce a bioethical principle that will be explored using case studies. Students are expected to prepare for each class based on the assignment so that classroom time will be devoted to discussion, case presentations, and role playing rather than merely lectures. Topics include stem cell research, human reproductive cloning, bioterrorism, neuroethics, genetic screening, medical stem cell tourism, patents and science, forensic science and the interface of science and culture/religion.
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John Loike